Tech Lovers All things tech related

Why Have An Email List


Hey everyone!

Hope you’re having a great day!

Today I want to talk to you a little bit about why you need to have an email list. Why is it’s important for you to have emails, especially if you’re doing internet marketing or any kind of marketing online?

There are three reasons why you need this.

Why Have An Email List

1) It’s like getting someone’s number

Email list building is like getting someone’s number. It’s the key way in which you contact people and form connections between you and your fans who actually care about you.

2) It’s the only network that you control

Email is the only network that you actually have control over. Facebook, Twitter, even YouTube –  all these networks are made up of people who you don’t have control. If they were to ever should go away or do something funny, you would be at their mercy.

Your email list is something you actually have control and can communicate with, and they can’t take it away from you.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Email is the only network that you actually have control over. ” quote=”Email is the only network that you actually have control over. “]

3) You can target specific people

One of the beautiful things about having an email list is that you have the ability to segment it.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Email lists let you segment your audience and send relevant messages to them!” quote=”Email lists let you segment your audience and send relevant messages to them!”]

When people join an email list two things happen:

  • you have to get permission from them
  • you can figure out why they joined your email list and what they’re interested in

Because you know what they’re interested in, you can then send out personal emails that are specific and relevant to them.

Especially if you’re running automated systems, you can create and send messages that really matter.

This creates personal connections that will turn people into fans, customers, and people who want to work and buy from you.

All sorts of goodness come up because you are actually making things personal and real.

That’s one of the great things about an email list – it’s a very personal thing. We don’t give our emails out very usually.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Email is one of the most personal ways by which we engage our fans.” quote=”Email is one of the most personal ways by which we engage our fans.”]

So when we do give it to someone, we believe in what they’re doing. Thus, because they believe in you, you’re able to gain more trust that way.

Over to you

So those are my three reasons why you should have an email list. As you can see, having an email list is super important and you should start yours as soon as possible.

Do you have an email list? Let me know in the comments below. 


Tech Lovers All things tech related