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Get started blogging – 5 Reasons Why You Need A Blog


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I thought I talk for a little bit about five reasons why you need to get started blogging.

If you’re like me, you probably know that I’m a huge fan of blogging. I think blogging is super important and here are five reasons why you need to get started.

Plus, I’ve create a complete beginner’s guide to blogging if you’re interested in starting your blog today. Click down below to grab it:

Get started blogging – 5 Reasons Why You Need A Blog

It’s your own property

You need your own property on the internet. You can’t rely on networks like Facebook, Twitter, or even YouTube. You still need your own place to have people go and know about you and who you are.

With your own property, you have ultimate control. Nobody else can do anything to it; you decide what happens.

It’s a great way to educate others

Have you’ve ever uttered the phrase I wish people knew this before they worked with me?

Education is super important to make sure people understand you and your viewpoints.

A blog helps others understand:

  • your viewpoint
  • where you’re coming from (the root of your ideas)
  • why you do what you do
  • what you think should happen
  • what you think shouldn’t happen

In short: blogging lets you work with and talk to people who actually agree with you and your ideas.

You can showcase your skills and talents

If you happen to have a lot of skills (or you happen to be good with certain subjects) like programming, writing, music, or even surfing, a blog is a great way to showcase those skills.

And it does this in a way that people can understand and appreciate your talents and what you do.

A blog is a good way to showcase those talents because people understand what you’re talking about. It’s in a format that they can really appreciate as opposed to a portfolio. There, they might not understand what makes a great final product as all portfolios look alike.

You don’t have to write

There are actually multiple ways you can blog. You don’t have to blog just through writing.

I don’t know about you, but to be honest I’m not the best writer. I actually like to do videos or audios.

So if you’re not good with writing, no problem. You can create videos on a YouTube channel like me and just cross-post videos. Here’s how to do it:

For those who like talking, you can create a podcast. Here are few of my favorites:

Bottom line: you don’t have to stick to just writing. You can still blog and create your own home base.

You create your own platform

When you’re creating content, you enable people to organically see you, heck you out, and learn more about you. This builds a level of trust and understanding that enables people to work with you. I think that’s the biggest benefit: it builds your own platform from scratch.

Final thoughts

So if you’re starting from zero, get started blogging. It is one of the best things you can do.

If you want to learn more, check out a website hosting company that I use called Bluehost (affiliate link). They have an awesome starter plan that’ll help you get your blog set up the right way. And if you haven’t already, be sure to grab my beginner’s guide to blogging:

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